Loredan Gasparini wineyards Offices
Since 2005 Piavevetro’s masterpieces have defined a new style and celebrated the best projects, such as this small extension of the famous cellars Loreda Gasparini, producers of the best venetian wine, Capo di Stato. In this project, the true glass triple glazing window I AM Crystal Sculptures has been interpreted with a retractable frame from the outside to create the typical effect of the glass pane fixed to zero while internally the heat-shrinkable aluminum profile is mounted on an embossed plaster frame on the wall of the masonry to create a stratification that further enhances the smooth surface of the iconic window of Piavevetro. The window dominates the scene of the wine tasting room as it were part of the emotion of taste and knowledge .
Uw of 1.8 W / m2K
Product Type - product type: Angled door leaflet I AM Crystal Sculptures
Product Name - Product Name: I AM Crystal Sculptures
Production: Piavevetro srl Villorba TV ITALY
Photos by:
Michele Spinnato