Mediterraneo Hotel
Style more than windows and doors. Windows are great but Piavevetro loves more to talk not only about insulation, sections, gaskets and handles. A good insulating window is easy to find. A beautiful insulating window not so much… Another topic is to design and build performance windows and doors as better as the best competitors with the style of a fashion collection, with the precision and customization of a tailor, with the constant innovation of a Formula 1 team. This is Piavevetro, this is the triple glazing true glass I AM OUTSIDE wood windows and doors designed and installed on the request of designers and commissioners of Hotel Mediterraneo in Jesolo Venice. A small enlargement of an older hotel with a great architectural studio. Result? The most desirable hotel in the Upper Adriatic (always full ... between football stars and mostly foreigner visitors). Piavevetro designs and manufactures for the occasion the true glass I AM OUTSIDE timber window and zero-glazed technology. Internally oak finish wood like the one of suite furnishings, externally transparent and black perimeter screen. Judge by yourselves, inviting you to a cocktail at the pool of this exclusive hotel.
Uw of about 1.2 W / m2K and about 40 dB
Product Type - product type: Sliding Bracket I AM OUTSIDE Wood
Product Name - Product Name: I AM OUTSIDE Wood
Production: Piavevetro srl Villorba TV ITALY
Photos by:
Paolo Utimpergher