Would you like to have a high performance victorian age sash window? Same performance of a tilt and turn one? Maybe with the appointment of Westminster Council?
Here we are with the solution. We call it “sash no sash”.
Designed for the first time for an amazing restoration in London, Sash no Sash windows have entered the production of the company: stylistically identical to the vintage Victorian age windows Piavevetro sash no sash window is equipped with a system that supports the Weight of triple glazing in order to offer high-level performance both in terms of safety and thermal and acoustic insulation (Ug up to 0,6 Wm2K, Uf up to 1,4 Wm2K and acoustic up to 42 dB).
Ideal for restoring historic buildings and restoring industrial archeology, or to give a pleasantly retro touch to modern buildings in historic areas.